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Оборудование > Ноутбуки/баребоны

MSI GX623X-026CZ

Домашняя страница: Specification


MSI GX623X-026CZ

Оценка: Неплохо


В принципе можно пользоваться ноутбуком.

  • Gigabit LAN (Rt8111) и аудиоадаптер (Intel HDA ALC886H) автоматически определились при установке
  • Wireless (Intel Link 5100) не работает
  • Wide screen support (1680x1050 - widescreen activator for Panorama VESA не работает, не детектит Intel chipset.
  • ACPI (3.17) частично работает. Два ядра детектит.
  • Intel SpeedStep, управление питанием, suspend/resume не работают.
  • USB и DVD дисковод работают
  • Для установки eCS 2.0 RC7 [Silver] в сетапе BIOS нужно выключить AHCI поддержку.


I also bought a replacement notebook about 4 months ago.

Now I'm running on MSI GX623X (version GX623X-026CZ to be more precise).


I'm running on both cores, with full widescreen 1680x1050 support. BIOS is very "friendly", you can turn AHCI on/off. Some BIOS versions also offer "a ton" (!) of other settings - including i.e. the NorthBridge and SouthBridge chipset settings. This notebook is also sold without the OS by default, although since this is a gaming notebook, I have installed Win as a gaming console on second partition as well. It has a full keyboard including numerical part, although since - again - this is a gaming notebook, the keyboard is modified a bit. The pricing is very "friendly" too. I'm generally very satisfied with this one. Although there are some drawbacks:

  • - wireless (Intel Wifi 5100) is not working/not supported currently. I also saw modifications with i.e. Intel 4965AGN or something similar, so if you are patient, you will find those configurations too. If you opt for cable only, then you should have no issues here,
  • - there are slight problems with Intel / Realtek HD Audio - but this is a general issue with Uniaudio, so should be solved within the upcoming months. Currently I HAVE audio support, the only issue is the stability of audio. Don't worry, it will be possible to play MP3s and watch DVDs and porn on the internet Wink ,
  • - ATI Mobility Radeon HD4670 runs very well with Panorama, no issues here,
  • - BlueTooth + FireWire + CardReader + WebCam are of course not supported currently on OS/2.
  • - honestly have no idea about support of pccard slot - not using it.

One side note here: should somebody think about ranting for the missing support in eCS for some hardware, know this: Windows 7 (that super modern, technologically superior must have OS everybody is using anyway, you know Smiley ) does not detect Wireless, FireWire, card reader and webcam upon installation as well. The sound support is not that stable - requires re-installation of original Realtek drivers. So from a certain perspective, eCS (2.0 RC7) is on my laptop >even< with Win7 Wink


Информацию прислал: StefanZ -- 2009-10-12 21:14:02



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