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Camera settings

Select your camera from the list of supported cameras. 

Specify the serial port into which you have plugged the camera cable. 

Specify the baud rate used to download the pictures from the camera to your computer. To improve the speed at which pictures are downloaded from the camera, try selecting a higher baud rate. If you have selected a higher baud rate and are having trouble communicating with the camera, select a lower rate.

Click Connect (with your camera connected and switched on) to verify that a connection to your camera can be established. If everything is setup correctly, you should get some text in the Camera Report box.

Click to view full-size screenshot

Startup/Shutdown settings

Select the Synchronize Time option to adjust your camera clock each time you start ThirdEye.

Click to view full-size screenshot

Method change

ThirdEye supports skinning or changing the default look and feel of the program. Different ThirdEye skins also add or change the functionality of the program, so we prefer to call them "methods". 

ThirdEye comes with two methods, other methods will be made soon.

To change the method find the one you like most in the list and double click it. 

Use the Refresh button located under the list to re-read method files from the disk.

Click to view full-size screenshot

Miscellaneous settings

Select the Activate bubble help option to see the helping descriptions when the mouse pointer is above ThirdEye controls.

Click to view full-size screenshot

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