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What is ThirdEye?

ThirdEye technology is intended to manipulate digital camera in the eComStation environment. It provides wide variety of methods for camera utilization. User can choose either ThirdEye/PM, ThirdEye/VIO, ThirdEye/NetDrive plugin or ThirdEye/REXX interface. There is no limit for a resolving task.


Quick start. Visual control over your digicam:

Obtain preliminary information about taken photos using one button.
Select and download photos (using drag and drop directly into the appropriate folder in the tree view).


Automate any routine yourself, it's a real digital camera LEGO !

REXX is a very popular script language. Don't put aside learning it.
Do you want to know how many photos inside your digicam? Use simple callings to ThirdEye's REXX library:
     Say 'My camera holds 'N' photos.'

ThirdEye is equipped with a simple REXX script.


For unix beginners :-)

Give short commands to ThirdEye:
If you want take a photo then use command line:
     ThirdEyeVIO.exe olympus 2 230400 Take

To download all photos from your digicam call:
     ThirdEyeVIO.exe olympus 2 230400 GetAll


Use plugin if you perceive a digicam as disk drive and like to browse your digital camera using Mozilla web-browser or FileCommander;

NetDrive is a stand-alone product. It allows you to represent different devices or data as a file system. We made the plugin for it which interprets your digicam as a disk drive.

WARRANTY: This software is supported until January, 2005.

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