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FileOpenContainer для eComStation 

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Oliver Cremer, 2011/06 Thanks for FOC - IMHO it is one of the best enhancements for eCS in the last year.
Herwig Bauernfeind, 2011/03/31 From today on I am FOC (File Open Conteiner) fan. This is a nice little thingy and works really well.
Gabriele Gamba, 2010/07/18 I installed also new version of FOC and I really like it! Plugins work, very nice!
melf, 20100718 I've tried the new dialogue for some week now and find it to be a big improvement in usability. I appreciate the flexibility that the file-tree to the left gives, more dynamic than the original. The preview for the moment just shows pictures - and docs supported by the wps-add on for OO. I don't know how far this could be developed.

The new dialogue is hopefully more tempting to use for programmers - as abwillis pointed out, many programs have their own dialogue. Not unimportant, I think, it is also nice for the eye.


Reinhard Forster, 2010/07/15 GREAT piece of software!!!

I'm using it now only for some hours, but I already REALLY like the navigation capabilities and easy way it provides to add/rename/delete directories. It even works with my few "home-brewed" programs ... :-)))


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