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Оборудование > Ноутбуки/баребоны

ASUS EEE Slate EP121

Домашняя страница: Specification


ASUS EEE Slate EP121

Оценка: Неплохо

(Этот отчет составлен скаутом сайта ecomstation.ru), источник информации: Sigurd.Fastenrath, http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/eComStation/message/86142

Watch movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayEHa1f3hKs

This slate is really interesting and neat. It comes with a small Bluetooth keyboard that unfortunatley therfore can not be used with eCS. The Slate has got Stylus AND Multitouch, I am confident to get both to run with the help of Wim Brul who did help me out so much and great with the X200T Stylus.

No, network (only WLAN is availiable) did not work so far - it is an Atheros WLAN 9002, I did not try to get it to run in UNSUPPORTED mode so far as I am just began. I think the only hope in this case may be to replace the internal WIFI card, but it is a "half Size" Mini PCIe card what makes it hard to find a replacement. There are Intel 5100 and above for this around, unfortunatley the GENMAC does not support this ones. SO may be Mensys will release a new one what they told to do, so I can change the adapter then.

The Widesreen Activator does support this Slate so I was able to get the 1280X800 resolution this night, thanks to Robert Lalla!

What does NOT work so far:

  • Sound - the driver is succesfully loaded with IRQ 5 but no sound around at all
  • SMP - does crash the machine, it detects the 4 kernel but did automatically restart ones the WPS tries to come up. I may try the install SNAP instead of Panorama but fear to crash the system
  • Stylus, Multitouch
  • WLAN
  • I can not get Bootmanager to work - this is really strange. If I mark it as "startable" it just will not boot. Even then - I have no idea who to select something if I can get it to run because in this early stage no Stylus or touch is working... seems to be somewhat tricky ... :-)

What DOES work:

  • ACPI + APIC mode - even the temperature and the battery seems to be shown OK
  • USB (I connected an USB keyboard and an USB mouse during the video)
  • Panorama Vesa with 1280X800
  • Well performance!

What does make installation tricky:

  • the "ususal problems" eComStation 2.1 does have (i.e. the Amouse drive is not loaded correct)
  • only two USB ports availiable (3 would be the best: keyboard, mouse, external dvd), so I installed without mouse (was not to hard ;-) )

Well, I bought it to use it for working issues while visiting clients. There are only two minor things that I do not like with this Slate, but at least these do not bother me that much:

  • battery life (2.5 - 3 hours) - but for me this is OK
  • the fan is allways on but very silent, for me OK, could be better, there may be a BIOS update availiable

It was really astonishing to see who well Windows 7 could be used with it, it replaced my ipad already....

I think the launch was sometime in March for this product, the Display is really great and with the "gorilla glass" it is really well protected.



Информацию прислал: eComStation.RU Scout -- 2011-07-11 11:51:59



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