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Оборудование > Ноутбуки/баребоны

MSI Wind

Домашняя страница: Specification


MSI Wind

Оценка: Очень хорошо

Дата отчета: 2008/07/07, оценка была: очень плохо

aka Medion Akoya

мини-ноутбук с процессором Atom.


eComStation 2.0 RC 5 работает плохо: нет LAN, нет WiFi, USB веб-камера не работает, звук есть для Realtek ALC888 и uniaud 1.1.4RC5-6. Видео: Intel GM950, VESA VB 3.0 с SNAP, PANORAMA лучше. не удается установить видеорежим: 1024X600. Часто есть trap 0008 при загрузке. Обсуждение: http://www.os2world.com/component/option,com_smf/Itemid,63/topic,1093.0/


Информацию прислал: Sigurd Fastenrath -- 2008-12-05 14:38:13



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Eugene Gorbunoff
2008-07-07 01:53:03


Robin Haberkorn
2008-07-13 02:55:03

Tried the Medion Akoya (rebranded MSI Wind) with eCS rc4: I had the trap 0008, too. It vanished completely when I disabled all of the USB drivers, which is of course a huge handicap. I discovered this by disabling everything and then enabling drivers consecutively. I'd like to see if the recompiled USB stack makes a difference...

ACPI/APM is working fine. Sound works via Uniaud but it crashes occasionally when playing sounds (system freezes) - both uniaud rc1.14 rc6 and uni32resync 1.0.4. Realtek LAN and Ralink WLAN do not appear to work with Genmac 2.2 in "UNSUPPORTED" mode nor does any native OS/2 driver exist. I tried drivers for various Windows versions which I found on the driver CD, as well as the latest drivers from the Realtek/Ralink homepages.

So it's relatively stable but frankly not very useful. Therefore I wouldn't mark it "very bad".

What's your experience, Eugene?

2008-07-14 23:18:29


thanks to Robert Lalla 1024X600 now is working with the widescreen 0.74!!!




Eugene Gorbunoff
2008-08-16 14:27:09

Robin adds:

eCS Installation - tricky but should work reliably if you know how to do it.

USB & Hyperthreading - SMP kernel, ACPI in APIC mode + /CD switch; seems that some things only work with the new recompiled USB stack - which introduces new problems (system frequently freezes for a short time!?) though. Also, battery widgets work fine.

Automatic speed throttling - thanks to Sungsoo Khim

Sound - thanks to Uniaud, worked out of the box!

Video - Panorama VESA and latest Widescreen Activator (thanks to ecomstation.ru and Robert Lalla)

LAN - now supported "officially" by the RTL8169 driver (thanks to Yanagihara Nobuyuki and achain)

WLAN - works partly with patched Genmac driver (thanks to Willibald Meyer and me for the patch). You cannot search for hotspots and I've got disconnection problems in some networks (I have to investigate that...), works flawless in other networks however!

What we haven't got / what's not so nice:

Suspending/Resuming - provokes crash in Uniaud; without Uniaud, resuming doesn't work.

Webcam - not supported by WarpVision(?). I can live without it Smiley

WinOS/2 & VDMs - side effect of ACPI in APIC mode. Don't know if there's any workaround. Haven't tried using a FreeDOS kernel or something yet. I read that this issue is resolved in newer ACPI releases (I've got 3.05, 3.09 is the latest).

SDL - all SDL (official package and Panorama SDL12.DLL) programs have a messed colour palette. Not so bad that most programs are unusable / games unplayable but still very annoying. Maybe I should write to the SDL and Panorama people. I haven't got the latest Panorama driver, so I'd like to hear what Sigurd says first.

Firefox - Browsing is damned slow. I know that Freetype slows it down but I've got a similar setup on my desktop machine with SeaMonkey and it's not that bad. The CPU is roughly the same speed and I've got the same problems when my Medion Akoya is connected via LAN (so it's probably no Wifi problem). I thought the new Gecko engine in Firefox 3 is faster? Also it simply crashes very often. Watching Youtube via "unofficial" Flash 7 is very slow, too. Haven't tried SeaMonkey yet.

Scrolling - mouse driver (AMouse) doesn't allow sliding on the right side of the trackpad to scroll - this is a very useful feature supported e.g. by most Linux distributions. I'm using an older tool called Hot Scroll to achieve a similar effect on OS/2. I configured it to scroll in a similar manner when I hold down the "Windows" key. Works nice with the WPS and some programs but has no effect on others (e.g. Firefox). Is there an alternative? The Nice WPS enhancer hasn't got the feature I need and the AMouse MB3-drag feature doesn't even work when I've got a 3-button mouse attached(?).

btw. Video performance is better than I thought. I guessed it's impossible to play a Divx video fullscreen because such things are very processor-intensive with the VESA driver but some days ago I tried to watch a movie on a Samba resource (server is my eCS desktop Smiley ) using WarpVision and it worked surprisingly good. Fullscreen and fluently - without any special options. The CPU load was only about 20% so I could even activate some filters.

Sigurd Fastenrath
2008-08-19 11:44:18


USB is now working for me. Thanks to Robin now everything despite the Webcam (even though it is regonized as an unknown device via USB Dock) seems to work stable.

So one should change the status from very bad to good (not very good, because the installation process is that difficult).

Here is the picture of the hardware manager so far:


one have to downgrade the ACPI 3.09 (included in RC5) to 3.05, otherwise /APIC switch will freeze the system. Don't fogert the ACPI switch: /CD!


2008-09-12 01:54:52

About hotspot searching. This adapter seems to have strange behaviour also in linux (suse, which its shipped with). Generally you search hotspots in 'monitor' mode (in linux iwconfig mode monitor), but this adapter can search only in managed mode, but not in monitor. So, such wideknown linux wifi sniffers as kismet and other do not work with this adapter. But you can search hotspots manually by iwconfig mode managed + iwlist scan. So you may try to do smth similar with genmac.

Anyway, you can always replace realtek wifi in msi wind i.e. with intel. its ordinal minipci card. There are plenty info in net how to disassemble msi and replace the card.

2008-09-29 15:40:05


could yo please change the rating "very bad" to "Very good", at least "good" due to the progress that has been made?


Igor Sapegin
2009-01-11 01:05:54

eCS 2.0 RC6a устанавливается с USB-CD (начиная с этой версии можно обходится без клонирования). Для этого в параметрах перед установкой нужно включить USB-CD поддержку и установки с него, в качестве драйвера CD установить jsscdrom, отключить поддержку USB-клавиатуры, отключить aspi (когда загрузится программа установки в параметрах инсталяции включить ее снова - без нее не встанет). В процессе установки выбрать no network adapter, иначе даже при загрузке нужного драйвера с флешки установка tcp-ip не дойдет до конца. Аудиодрайвер система предложит сама (uniaud), видео - лучше Panorama, хотя широкоэкранное видеоразрешение так и не получил даже с активатором. После установки рекомендую отключить все драйверы Advancet pover managment (из за них частый trap по непонятной причине). Затем перезаписать в c:\ibmcom\macs самый последний драйвер для rtl8169 и установить эту карту через MPTS со всеми необходимыми протоколами. Сконфигурировать TCP-IP и наслаждаться содеянным.

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